Request a Valuation of your car

By entering the details below, your Lexus Retailer will review the details and contact you with a valuation for your trade-in. We would appreciate if you could tell us as much as possible about your car and include as many photos as you can - including any damage. This will be a guide valuation as the final valuation will need an inspection of the vehicle which will be arranged.

First Name *   

Last Name *   

Mobile Phone *   

Email *   

Registration Look up *   

[Enter your registration and will fill in your make and model for you]

Kilometres *   

We need the following images to be able to provide you with as accurate as possible valuation of your trade in.

Front *   

Driver Side *   

Rear *   

Passenger side *   

Kilometres / Mileage *   

Interior *   

Car Interested In :